Drill D7,0 HSSCo

105,- Kč


HSS-Co cobalt drill bit, 8mm diameter, for drilling in stainless steel and hard to machine materials such as some cutlery steels.

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Availability: > 10 In Stock

Vrtáky HSSCo/ Nástroje a nářadí

HSS-Co cobalt drill bit, 8mm diameter, for drilling in stainless steel and hard to machine materials such as some cutlery steels.

HSS-Co cobalt drill bit for drilling in stainless steel components, hard to machine materials, alloy steel and steel alloy, hot and cold forming steels, rolling mill rolls, cementing and refining steels. These are high performance drills with increased heat resistance. They are made of alloy high-speed steel according to DIN 338, cobalt content 5% and are characterized by high drilling performance and long service life. The drill is made in the Czech Republic.